Counseling & Psychology Services

Our Counsellors & Psychologists

Contact Us Today

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Telephone or Skype sessions Under Medicare

We are able to offer Telephone or Skype sessions Under Medicare if you meet certain criteria in relation to the Caronavirus (COVID-19)

So please give us a call on 07 40318038

Counselling & Psychology Services Cairns

A Helping Hand Supporting Cairns Region for Over 25 Years

Do you ever feel stressed, worried, miserable or unfulfilled – yet put on a happy face and pretend everything’s fine? If so you are not alone. Stress, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem are everywhere. Psychologists can help!

Ritchie & Associates – Helping You to Help Yourself

Our dedicated team of experienced, professional psychologists practice evidence-based counselling services to help people achieve real and long-lasting positive changes in their lives.

Mindfulness skills are easy to learn and will rapidly and effectively help you to reduce stress, enhance performance, manage emotions, improve health increase vitality and generally change your life for the better…Let us show you how.

from “The Happiness Trap” by Dr Russ Harris
Not sure if we can help?

Give us a call 4031 8038, or email, and we will assist with your enquiry.

Ian out front of Ritchie and Associates Psychologists


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